Thursday, June 16, 2005


The Help CESL page has become the center of a number of projects, because eventually we'd like to see a number of these things done, and they have to have some visual representation before people can move forward on them.

For example, the foreign language pages are laughably machine-translated (garbled), but until we see how bad they are, how can we make better ones? Some don't even have the new template; others, like the Arabic one, are just dreams, or gif files sitting in my e-mail. Now, if someone wants to run with it, maybe it can get done.

Take a look! If you have ideas for this page, let us know...the idea here is to use our resources more effectively, to make a place where, if alumni are interested and want to get involved, they can easily find something to do. If people are willing and able to help, at least give them a shot at it.

For the web marketing survey (in its planning stages also), what kinds of questions do you think we should be asking???

Sunday, June 12, 2005

New things

There's a new teacher poetry site...I highly recommend it!

There's a new alumni soon as we get organized (and get ways that alumni can help us, by linking up to us, etc., we will start contacting them)...

There's a POETRY CONTEST...please encourage your students!

More stuff is moving onto the weblogs these well it should!

Have a good 053, and a good summer!