Friday, August 27, 2004

Teachers' weblog

This space is an attempt to make teachers more familiar with the process of weblogging, which is another way of communicating except that you don't have to cut trees to do it. When you make weblogs you can make them entirely private, like a diary, or private for a class, like a class yearbook, or public in a limited way, or very public.

You can learn how to make them here. The undergraduate assistants will help. Be easy on them, though; they're just learning too! We made this weblog so that they and you would have practice posting, putting things on, taking them off, changing the template, etc. Feel free to change it! Password is below.

Weblogs are useful in many ways. Here are some links to get you started....

ESL/EFL Weblogs
EdBlogger Praxis

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Welcome to 'blogging'...

This is a place to learn more about making weblogs and using them in ESL/EFL. Feel free to contribute. Password is "Fanerhall"...

We'll try to put links on here to show each other what we're doing, etc.