Wednesday, March 16, 2005

TESOL 2005

As part of a TESOL 2005 presentation, I'm trying to put together my thoughts on how the weblog situation has evolved here at CESL. There are a number of good things about weblogs and what we've gotten through them; I believe our students have become more confident, more fluent technologically, and more aware of each other and each of their classmates' ideas and work. It is in all senses a community, rather disorganized at times (like now), rather chaotic, but vibrant, alive, and working toward expression that is very enlightening in many ways.

But the presentation is really about the teachers, and the degree to which they (you) either were sold on the idea, or not, and what could be done to improve that. If you have any ideas, let me know. It's an ongoing process. I'd be glad to share what I've put together; it will be linked from here in coming days.



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